- September 4, 2020
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- 04th September 2020

Mirpur (AJK): Secretary Tourism and Information, AJK Midhat Shahzad has said that government will leave no stone unturned for the rehabilitation and promotion of tourism sector in the picturesque liberated territory. She said that ‘The Government of AJ&K will extend all possible cooperation for the rehabilitation and with the cooperation of the private sector as such sector will be taken to new heights as it was the backbone of the economy’.
He was addressing a roundtable conference jointly organized by Center for Peace, Development and Reforms (CPDR) and Poonch Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Rawalakot on Tuesday. The roundtable conference was organized with prime focus to discuss the impact and remedies of Covid-19 on the tourism sector in AJ&K which was attended by notables from cross-sections of the civil society, district administration and other government institutions that deal directly with tourism.
Lauding the hosting of the interactive seminar jointly organized by CPDR and the Poonch Chamber, the second in series and both organizers vowed to continue to facilitate the engagement between civil society.
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Ershad Mahmud
The writer is a freelance contributor. He can be reached at: