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News / Views

Mediamen agree to jointly promote peace, profession

The Nation, August 23, 2015

A two-day conference of Azad and Indian-held Jammu and Kashmirs concluded with a unanimous resolution passed to build bilateral linkages to ensure their vibrant role for the regional peace.


Joint Declaration by journalists of J&K

Journalists from Indian Administered Kashmir and Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) Friday arrived at a consensus over issues relating to them on the two sides of the Line of Control (LoC) for removing the existing barriers between them. After the conclusion of a two-day intra-Kashmir journalists’ workshop at Islamabad Club in which a group of 29 journalists from Kashmir valley and Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK), they came up with a several recommendations they agreed upon during the workshop.


Bridge across the LoC

IN Regional Media | 09/09/2015

People on each side want to know about the other side. But there is a huge information and perception gap between the two parts of the divided state.

ERSHAD MAHMUD and SHUJAAT BUKHARI explain their recent intra-Kashmir initiative


First ever Intra-Kashmir journalist meeting held Islamabad / Muzaffarabad

Intra-Kashmir journalist visit to Islamabad / Muzaffarabad
On 19-24 August 2015, a twelve member delegation of journalists from Srinagar did a week-long visit to Islamabad, Muzaffarabad and Lahore on the invitation of Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) and Centre for Peace, Development and Reforms (CPDR) which gave them an opportunity to interact with their counterparts from the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), people from mainstream Pakistani media, key politicians and officials such as, Chairman Senate, Mr. Razza Rabbani, President and Prime Minister AJK and Foreign Secretary of Pakistan.


Dr. Waqas Ali Kausar presents his latest publication titile “Unheard voices: engaging youth of Gilgit-Baltistan” to Farzana Yaqoob Minister of Social Welfare and Women’s Development AJK

Wednesday March 04, 2015

This report is based on a series of focus group discussions drawn from across the community and from responses to a questionnaire with the participation of 425 young people aged 18–35, jointly published by the Conciliation Resources and Centre for Peace, Development and Reforms (CPDR).


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