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Two industrial zones of AJK included in CPEC: AJK President

AJK | 10 January 2017
Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President, Sardar Masood Khan said that two industrial zones, each in Bhimber and Mirpur and Express Way from Muzaffarabad to Mirpur have been included in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).


CPEC to transform AJK’s socio-economic landscape: Sardar Massod

MIRPUR (NNI) | 10 January 2017
President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Sardar Masood Khan on Tuesday said that two industrials zones, each in Bimber and Mirpur, and an expressway from Muzaffarabad to Mirpur have been included in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which will transform AJK’s socio-economic landscape.


Apathy caused losses in Kashmir

MIRPUR (AJK)-Inadequate measures caused losses in both the sides of Kashmir during natural catastrophes, an expert said in a paper published by Kashmir Initiative Group (KIG).

Shafat Ahmad said this in his paper entitled, “Bridging Divides: Towards Effective Disaster Preparedness and Response in Kashmir”.


Ershad Mahmud's piece on the upcoming elections in AJK: Battle for AJK begins

As mainstream political parties are engaged in rallies and political manoeuvring to fight elections, the next two weeks are crucial

Though schedule of the upcoming elections in Azad Jammu and Kashmir has not been announced yet, electioneering has already started in the region. A cutthroat competition is expected between Pakistan People’s Party and Pakistan Muslim League-N across the AJK.


KIG members interact with Radha Kumar and Ambassador Ponappa

Islamabad | 7 March 2016
A delegation of the Kashmir Initiative Group (KIG) led by Coconvenor Ershad Mahmud, Dr. Shaheen Akhtar and M. Ismail Khan met with Dr. Radha Kumar, Director General of the Delhi Policy Group and one of the three interlocutors for Jammu and Kashmir appointed by the Government of India and Ambassador Leela K. Ponappa, ex- Deputy National Security Advisor and Secretary, National Security Council Secretariat in Islamabad.


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