Young voices on Kashmir

Young voices of Kashmir
CPDR publication

A platform for young writers, analysts and emerging scholars from across the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir and the diaspora

Associate editor:
Ishba Khan
Irtaza Muhammad

Basic information

Young voices of Kashmir (YVK) provides a virtual platform to emerging Kashmir writers living in the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir or abroad.

We request contributors to put forth pioneering analysis, stories to enhance understanding of the socio-cultural and political dynamics of the region. A number of diverse issues in the social, cultural, scientific, political, religious and personal realms are encountered by the young emerging writers in beautiful, creative ways; fostering intellectual debate on a wide range of significant contemporary issues and developments.
The young writers are requested to keep in mind the following rules for their writings:
  • Prefer plain direct sentences to the long, vague ones.  
  • It is necessary to use the correct spellings and grammar.
  • Creativity and originality are the basic qualities of a good writing. All entries must be the original work of the writers. Refrain from using someone else’s work without proper acknowledgement.
  • All works sent for publication should have a suitable title.
  • Try to tackle the social, political and cultural issues with a constructive critical analysis and positive thinking, suggesting some ways out of the chaotic circumstances faced by the world today. Avoid biasness and negative criticism which impairs the spirit of critical thinking and mars the objectives of this group. 

Can the youth of Pakistan afford to be apolitical?

18th August 2022 | Ishba Aziz Khan
Pakistan today is facing the biggest political instability and is at the point where there is a lot of chaos, confusion and disturbance in the society. Pakistani people, in this socio-political condition, have to stand for their political rights and have to decide for their future. For this, they have to be fully aware of the current political scenario of Pakistan and have to be updated with the current political situation.


Throttling journalism in IIOJK

29th March 2022 | Irtaza Muhammad
While independent and investigative journalism is taken as an essential part of a pluralistic society the world over, working in this field in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) immediately brings up the thoughts of ending up behind bars because of the draconian laws imposed to strangulate every dissenting voice.


Challenges in AJK

14th September 2021 | Irtaza Muhammad
The year 2021 has been a significant one in terms of politics for Azad Jammu and Kashmir due to the general elections and the consequent political transition. The PTI has emerged as the single largest party by securing 32 seats in recent AJK Assembly Elections 2021.


Challenges for the new AJ&K government

2021 has been a significant year in terms of politics for AJ&K due to the general elections and the consequent political transition. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has emerged as the single largest party by securing thirty three seats in recent AJ&K Assembly Elections 2021.


Kashmir Premium League changes the dynamic of AJ&K

24th August 2021 | Ishba Aziz Khan
The Kashmir Premium League is a Twenty20 league launched in Azad Kashmir in 2021. The league ran from August 6 to August 17 with six teams taking part in the tournament namely Muzaffarabad Tigers, Bagh Stallions, Kotli Lions, Overseas Warriors, Rawalakot Hawks and Mirpur Royals.


Indo-Pak rapprochement: views from Azad Kashmir

Qaiser Khan
After two years of increased hostility on the Line of Control-LoC in the disputed Kashmir region, India and Pakistan reached a ‘respite’ and reiterated the 2003 ceasefire agreement that called for a cessation of hostilities from both sides and an observance to inviolability of the Line of Control.


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