- August 13, 2020
- @admin
- 0
- 13th August 2020
- Irtaza Muhammad
We are glad to announce that the article “Post- August 5: Growing Economic Woes of Kashmir” published by CPDR has been translated into the Chinese language by Zhuanlan Zhihu. This article, presenting an insightful analysis of the economic crisis created by the deteriorating situation in the Occupied Kashmir particularly during the last one and a half year, has been authored by Irtaza Muhammad who is serving as the Coordinator for Young Voices of Kashmir. We look forward to more valuable research and articles in future from such emerging talented writers through this forum.
Following is the article’s link: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/174748466?s=08

Irtaza Muhammad
The writer is a freelance contributor, associated with the Centre for Peace, Development and Reforms (CPDR).
He can be reached at irtizamuhammad23@gmail.com