- May 2, 2012
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- 02nd May 2012
A joint press conference was held in Mirpur-Azad Jammu and Kashmir wherein former president of Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AJK-CCI) Mr. Zulfiqar Abbasi, President of AJK-CCI Dr. M. Akram Chaudhary, President of Bimber Chamber of Commerce and Industry Raja Muhammad Jameel, President of Kotli Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sardar Shahid Mahmood, leaders of Cross LoC Councils Sardar Kashan Masood, Mr. Khurshid Mir and Ijaz Rehmani and Executive Director CPDR Mr. Ershad Mahmud congratulated Dr. Mubeen Shah for assuming the leadership of JKJCCI and assured him full-fledge support and cooperation from AJK side. Mr. Shah also spoke from Srinagar over phone and thanked the business leaders and traders for their consistent support to make JCCI an effective body.

Irtaza Muhammad
The writer is a freelance contributor, associated with the Centre for Peace, Development and Reforms (CPDR).
He can be reached at irtizamuhammad23@gmail.com